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Compounds | Reactions | Production
Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
Diagrams: Shell | Atomic Radius | Electron || Images
Reactions of Hydrogen
Hydrogen does not react with water, acids or bases.
Reactions with oxygen
A mixture of hydrogen gas and air will not react unless ignited with a spark or flame, in this case the result is a fire or explosion whose only product is water.
  2H2(g) + O(g)2H2O(l)
Reactions with halogens
Hydrogen gas reacts with fluorine to produced hydrogen(I) fluoride.
  2H2(g) + F2(g)2HF(g)
Reduction Potentials
Balanced half-reaction E0 / V
2H+ + 2e-H2(g) 0.000
2H+ + 2e-H2(g) -0.41
2H+ + 2e-H2(g) -0.005
2H+ + 2e-H2(g) -0.005
2H2O + 2e-H2(g) + 2OH- -0.83
H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e-2H2O +1.77
HO2- + H2O + 2e-3OH- +0.88
H2(g) + 2e-2H- -2.25